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Leading in order to create sustainable change (businesses and national developments) is a very complex task in today’s networked society. The need for sustainable business development is felt more today than any recorded time in human existence. The Integral Governance Model refers to a system that defines how the organization is directed, monitored and controlled through incorporation of sustainable measures and reforms that promote value creation, as well as, long term beneficial results to the organization.

The analyses have evidently demonstrated that good governance system can be developed based on the following principles; Accountability, Participation, Equity and Inclusiveness, Transparency, Policies, Effectiveness and Efficiency, and Responsiveness. The study has uncovered that sustainable corporate governance is built on the platform of ethics, morals and values. It shows how important the organization culture determines and dictates its leadership. From a different perspective, a robust corporate governance facilitates the efficiency of the organization implying that any investor who invest in the company will receive good returns for his/her investment.

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